
Arrow season 2 episode 1 download
Arrow season 2 episode 1 download

arrow season 2 episode 1 download

Luckily, Black Canary shows up in the nick of time to save her father, Capt. First, the district attorney get poisoned, and then all hell breaks loose when the Ghosts launch a full-scale attack on the Star City police headquarters. Of course when things get bad in Arrow, they get real bad.

arrow season 2 episode 1 download

Making things worse was the fact the Ghosts absconded with a large cache of weapons. The assault soldiers, who come to be known as “Ghosts”, get away when backup arrives. But her enthusiasm doesn’t help the Arrow-less Team Arrow. “This is SO awesome,” she shouts as she uses a grapping hook arrow to hoist herself from a racing motorcycle on to a speeding semi. One thing that’s instantly apparent is that Thea has fully taken to masked vigilante-ness. They are a highly trained and organized assault squad. But these baddies are no ordinary street thugs. Though Arrow is gone, the rest of Team Arrow remain active as seen early on when Laurel Lance, Thea Queen and John Diggle battle armed baddies as Black Canary, Speedy (or Red Arrow if Thea had it her way), and metal-helmet John Diggle, respectively. In one of the more obvious winks to the Green Arrow comic book, the city was “re-branded” Star City in order to boost the city’s tourism and population. First off, it’s not even Starling City anymore. The same thing can’t be said about Starling City itself. But both of them seem happy and at ease in their post-Starling City world of brunch with neighbors and morning jogs.

arrow season 2 episode 1 download

Oliver has taken up cooking as a hobby, while Felicity now runs Palmer Tech after Ray Palmer seemingly blew himself up in season three’s finale. Season four episode one, titled “Green Arrow”, opens with Oliver and Felicity settling down into a typical suburban lifestyle. Maybe it’s because the conclusion of season three felt so finite that a lighter, more playful turn for the show might not be a bad idea. Good guy defeats bad guy and gets the girl. But the season ended on a whimper with Ra’s being easily defeated, and Oliver riding off into the sunset with Felicity Smoak, in a top-down convertible, no less. It featured some great moments such as Oliver and Ra’s Al Ghul mid-season sword fight, and Roy Harper taking the fall for Oliver, which led to his exit from the show altogether. Looking back, season three of Arrow had its ups and downs. After Arrow’s CW companion-show, The Flash, had a highly successful debut season, Arrow showrunner Marc Guggenheim confirmed that season four would, “take a lighter tone”.

arrow season 2 episode 1 download

When Oliver Queen utters, “Felicity Smoak…You have failed this omelette,” it’s a major indicator that Arrow is indeed moving away from the dark and grounded action-drama that we’ve known it as for the past three seasons.

Arrow season 2 episode 1 download